2020-10-03 - Bethesda Rambles

^z 3rd March 2023 at 7:39pm

~5.8 mi @ ~22 min/mi

"It's a beautiful day / Don't let it get away!" U2 reminds Square Peg and Roadkill to seek joy even in hard times. Trail talk is mindful in honor of the dearly departed. Lawn art abounds. The elusive cut-through between East Ave and Thornapple St eludes rediscovery; it was first found three weeks ago.

Danger Man arrives to lead the way south, where Roadkill insists on exploring a rugged dirt path through Willard Avenue Park along Little Falls Branch. Roots, rocks, a tiny stream crossing ... who knew it was there?

(trackfile) - ^z - 2020-10-18